CATEGORY: Personal Productivity

 Ten Easy Ways to KEEP Your Job

Course Access: Lifetime
Course Overview

Ten Easy Ways to KEEP Your Job

Expert Human Relations  Media


Young job-seekers lacking in job experience often don’t understand what employers are looking for in an employee. The Ten Ways to Keep Your Job course gives job-seekers a look at their on-the-job practices from an employer’s viewpoint. In the process, job-seekers begin to understand how they can become valuable employees—and keep any job they may obtain. This course is presented as an episode of a late night talk show—complete with band, hosts, and guests. Interspersed within the show are commercial breaks. Two guests—one a career consultant and the other a human resource executive for a large retail chain—give excellent ideas from the employer’s perspective. By the end of the show, job seekers will have heard and seen all “ten easy ways to keep your job” and seen examples of how they can be applied at work.



Understand and describe the ten things to do to keep a job

Describe three things that could happen if these tactics aren’t put into practice

Explain why employers are interested in employees who use these ten ways to keep their jobs

Identify things to do right now to build job-keeping skills

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